Samgladiator Wikia

Grian is a british friend of Samuel Gladiator and Taurtis (Joey). He was invited to Japan by Sam and discovered the new arts of his new country. He attended to Akademi High School for a while and was the date of Chan Yandere for prom but eventually ditched her and dated Majo Ellen.

He then got put into by the Japan Witness Protection Program by their teacher, Mrs. Okami Artist after Newly Appointed Yakuza Leader of the Yamaguchi-Gumi, Yuki jumped off the building. After that he got put into a flight to Tokyo, Canada instead of Tokyo, Japan due to Sam shuffling the tickets so three got sent to Tokyo, Japan such as Sam, Taurtis and Dom along with one being sent to Tokyo, Canada like Grian. After that he went to Tokyo, Japan costing him a couple thousand dollars. He then went to school like its an ordinary day. He has a strong disliking for the medical head, Doctor Nurse MD who he says "he would torture".

Grian made his first appearance in Yandere High School in episode 45 "BRITISH FRIEND?!"

Grian is good friends with Sam and Taurtis and is the smartest of the 3 often noticing potential hazard-like details that Sam and Taurtis either don't know or don't care about. They also seem to not care of what he says in the last series. He also had to deal with Sam thinking that he was Taurtis due to Sam dealing with grief after Taurtis was stabbed. He also said that he was the only sane person of them three. and he had to dress up as Karu In hopes of Taurtis and Yuki didnt know He(Karu) got killed by Paul Blart,Sam, and Him. Despite those things, and many more, he continues to be best friends with Sam and Taurtis.   


- Grian and Sam have currently gone their seperate ways in terms of Youtube, it is unsure why this is. However Taurtis and Grian still collaborate.

- Grian being British is a running joke in the series.

- Grian's character is said to be 7 in the YANDERE series (which is set when they are in Kindergarten). This means that his character is older then Sam, Tauris and the rest of the student's by two years.
